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Program Requirements

A candidate for the Ph.D. degree in Modern Thought and Literature must complete three years (nine quarters) of full-time study, or at least 18 graduate courses, beyond the B.A. degree. MTL students are expected to complete all graduate work during the first three years of study.

Programs of study are individually arranged and offer a great deal of flexibility. Approximately half of the student’s course work and individual reading (which generally takes two to three years) will consist of the intensive study of a modern literature from 1750 to the present. The other half will consist of interdisciplinary study in one or more areas, which may include a reasonable amount of creative work. In addition, the student must pass an oral examination and complete an interdisciplinary dissertation. The program also requires reading knowledge in two modern foreign languages. It is recommended that students begin the program with an advanced knowledge of at least one foreign language. 

For more information, check out the MTL Handbook here